Ferret Bites and $5,000 Jackpot: Unbelievable Hotel Story!

I previously wrote about my craziest hotel stories in two previous posts as well as my craziest restaurant stories coming up in two future posts. However, just recently I think I have finally got a story that tops them all! 

Anyone that has worked in the industry always knows the craziest things always happen on the swing or night shift. This weekend was no different for me… So what exactly does a ferret and $5,000 dollars have to do with each other? Well… buckle up cause this story gets crazy real quick…

Disclaimer: The following blog post does not reflect the views, action or position of MGM Resorts International. All views, opinions and reflections expressed are solely my own. Some details may be modified to ensure privacy and confidentiality.

The Ferret Saga:

I am honestly not even sure how to explain this story, that’s how crazy it is! I was working the swing/night shift at the front desk. I was just wrapping up my shift when I heard another one of my co-workers talking about a phone call they just received from another department regarding a guest’s issue upstairs. The guest was staying on the 32nd floor of the hotel and while they were walking back to their room, there was a loose ferret running around on the floor causing mischief. Apparently, said ferret supposedly bit the guest as they were walking back to their room. Security was immediately called to check on the guest and to try to investigate where the ferret came from and who was responsible for it. (I kid you not…. I am not making this up, I swear! Just wait, it gets better)! It took multiple security officers to wrangle the ferret and safely handle it so no further harm was done to the animal or other guests. At this time, I do not know who owned the ferret, how it made it into the hotel, or what happened to it. All I know is that animal control came to pick up the ferret.

Now, here’s when the craziness really comes in… Apparently the guest later at night decided to go downstairs on the casino floor and play to get their mind off what happened. As the guest was playing they hit a jackpot and won $5,000! I do not know about you, but that is some crazy luck getting bit by a ferret, then also winning a $5k jackpot in the same day! This guest definitely has some luck! Maybe they should go play the lottery after this! This hands down tops every single story I have told on this blog so far and that says a lot since I have plenty more stories to tell!

What did you think of this story? Do you have any interesting stories of your own? Share them with us in the comments section, send them to us via email, or message us on social media and we might include them in a future post.

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