Ferret Bites and $5,000 Jackpot: Unbelievable Hotel Story!

I previously wrote about my craziest hotel stories in two previous posts as well as my craziest restaurant stories coming up in two future posts. However, just recently I think I have finally got a story that tops them all! 

Anyone that has worked in the industry always knows the craziest things always happen on the swing or night shift. This weekend was no different for me… So what exactly does a ferret and $5,000 dollars have to do with each other? Well… buckle up cause this story gets crazy real quick…

Disclaimer: The following blog post does not reflect the views, action or position of MGM Resorts International. All views, opinions and reflections expressed are solely my own. Some details may be modified to ensure privacy and confidentiality.

The Ferret Saga:

I am honestly not even sure how to explain this story, that’s how crazy it is! I was working the swing/night shift at the front desk. I was just wrapping up my shift when I heard another one of my co-workers talking about a phone call they just received from another department regarding a guest’s issue upstairs. The guest was staying on the 32nd floor of the hotel and while they were walking back to their room, there was a loose ferret running around on the floor causing mischief. Apparently, said ferret supposedly bit the guest as they were walking back to their room. Security was immediately called to check on the guest and to try to investigate where the ferret came from and who was responsible for it. (I kid you not…. I am not making this up, I swear! Just wait, it gets better)! It took multiple security officers to wrangle the ferret and safely handle it so no further harm was done to the animal or other guests. At this time, I do not know who owned the ferret, how it made it into the hotel, or what happened to it. All I know is that animal control came to pick up the ferret.

Now, here’s when the craziness really comes in… Apparently the guest later at night decided to go downstairs on the casino floor and play to get their mind off what happened. As the guest was playing they hit a jackpot and won $5,000! I do not know about you, but that is some crazy luck getting bit by a ferret, then also winning a $5k jackpot in the same day! This guest definitely has some luck! Maybe they should go play the lottery after this! This hands down tops every single story I have told on this blog so far and that says a lot since I have plenty more stories to tell!

What did you think of this story? Do you have any interesting stories of your own? Share them with us in the comments section, send them to us via email, or message us on social media and we might include them in a future post.

I hope you enjoyed reading about this craziness. If you enjoyed this post, be sure to leave a like, subscribe to our blog and follow us on social media so you never miss a future post!

A Year In Review – My First Year In The Hotel Industry

Better late than ever! Back in May it officially made one year of me working in the hotel industry after working in the restaurant industry for two years while studying Engineering in college. I honestly can’t believe it’s been a year already! Time really flies! It truly feels a lot longer than just a year. 

In today’s post, I’ll be answering some of the most common questions I get about the hotel industry as well as share any tips for those looking to get into the industry for themselves.

What is your favorite part of working in the hotel industry?

To be honest there are many things I love about the hotel industry. One thing I love is how each day is different and not every day is the same. For example, some days it is slow at the hotel while other days it’s crazy busy. I also love being able to bounce around and learn all aspects inside the hotel from guest services to F&B and so on. Another thing I love is how much teamwork and collaboration play in day to day tasks. The amazing team I work with is one of many reasons I love working and coming to work everyday!

What is the most challenging thing you face on a daily basis during your shift?

Wow… such a great question! I think the toughest thing I face on a daily basis is very irate, and upset guests that just scream at you for every little thing. I’ve honestly built up a tolerance for this and it really doesn’t bother me too much anymore. These are always tough situations since each time, the circumstances are different, you’re dealing with a different guest and do not know what to expect. One thing I have learned from dealing with countless of these situations is to just let the guest “vent” to you and just listen to everything before you respond. When you respond you want to be calm, professional, respectful and most of all try to solve the problem at hand.

Have you ever worked with anyone you do not get along with? If so, how do you deal with that for a whole shift?

Such a great question. I’ve actually had this happen to me a few times, as a matter of fact I’m currently dealing with this now. Honestly each person is going to be different. Not everyone is going to like you or get along with you. One thing I always do is no matter how much the person may not like me, I always remain polite and respectful at all times especially in front of house areas. I always hate when coworkers belittle you in front of guests. Not only is it awkward for you, it also makes the guest you are helping uncomfortable. I want to make one thing clear, not everyone I’m currently working with is like this at all! We are all very close with one another and act like a family. 

Other things I do is, when a co-worker acts like this, I always keep my composure and treat them as if they were any other co-worker who I do enjoy working with. Why do I do this? Well, the industry is all about teamwork, collaboration and guest service. I like to look at the big picture and remember why we do what we do each day.

What’s one of the funniest moments you had with a coworker?

This is a tough one… there are so many funny moments, it’s so hard to pick the top moment! I think of the funniest moments is when my old Front Desk Manager ran outside while we all were staying over during a blizzard and began making snow angels, throwing snowballs at the window and even tried to make a snowman! YES TRENT I’m talking about you lol!

Do you ever get free food while on shift?

Yes and no. It honestly depends on if we have events going on in the ballrooms. Say there is a wedding going on, if there is any leftover food from cocktail hour or dinner service, then yes we are allowed to grab some. Some days you get a lot of food while others you get slim pickings.

What is the single most important trait you need to have to be in the hotel industry?

PATIENCE! This is one of the, if not the most important trait and skill to have. You are going to be working in tough environments, situations and sometimes dealing with back to back difficult guests.

What are your future goals and dreams you hope to achieve?

Right now in the short term I would love to get into a management role such as a Front Desk Manager. Long term after I finish school, I would love to work my way up to a General Manager and eventually one day own my own hotel.

Hint! Hint! Totally not dropping any hints here bosses! 🙂

If you could go back in time to when you first started, would you change anything?

Yes and no! I’ve definitely come a very long way from when I first started. There are definitely certain situations that I look back on that I wish played out differently, however though, for the most part I really wouldn’t change a thing. I try to keep growing every day I work and move towards my goals.

10 More Crazy & Strange Hotel Stories told by Front Desk Agents

Authors: Blake & Hyrax

Grab your popcorn bucket and buckle up! It’s time for yet another post about the most crazy, odd, strange and unbelievable hotel stories. From handsy teenagers thinking this is prom night to crazy adults who shouldn’t even be parents! Yea… this is a wild one we got for you! So without further ado, let’s get to it!

Blake’s Stories

Save Your Drama For Your Mama!

Okay, I think this takes the cake for my most insane story ever as a front desk agent unless Hyrax or any of my co-workers can top this which I don’t think they will. So to better understand the story, just a little bit of context and background on the circumstances. 

About 5 ½ months ago, this guest (we’ll call her Jane Doe for privacy purposes) called the hotel saying their house burned down to the ground and they needed a place to stay. Generally, for this they contact the Room Sales Coordinator where they can work out how long they are staying and a negotiated rate. However it was about 10 p.m. when they called. Generally, people in this situation only stay like a week or two then leave us. I quoted them the lowest rate I could for a week but they said the total amount needed to be under $500 due to the Red Cross giving them a card to pay for a hotel. After crunching the numbers with the help of my Front Desk Manager, we were able to do this for them. 

From the very moment Jane Doe came in, she was a pain and just overly rude. Like listen, I get your house burnt down but when I took like 20 mins with you on the phone and went above and beyond, you could at least be respectful. This was foreshadowing of how the rest of her stay and behavior would be… Yes it gets worse! 

Flashforward to the day after Christmas, all was calm on this Sunday night at the hotel until about 9:20 p.m. at night that’s when it went off the rails. Why, you may ask? Well, Jane Doe decides to call 911 from her room phone. Now, as soon as that happens there is a whole procedure you must follow and carry out as a Front Desk Agent. You have to call the room then if you don’t get a hold of them, you go down to the room with another hotel employee to go check on them. 

So, I called the room three times and Jane Doe did not answer as the line was in use. After calling, I sent my housemen down there while I stayed at the desk to monitor everything. Jane claimed to have “accidentally” called 911 from her room phone and claimed to be “okay”. If you accidentally dialed, you would have hung up right away and been able to answer your room phone. She was clearly not okay, as she was acting very high strung, panicked and looked very upset. She stated to the housemen there was a fight with her partner (boyfriend. Husband, etc.) and there was a whole situation going on. She kept asking if we saw her “partner”  on camera or if we bumped into him. The housemen did not as there were a lot of people coming in and out and I did not for the same reason. Think this story is crazy already? It gets crazier…

Right after asking us if we saw her “partner”, she went outside and was walking laps outside then disappeared for a solid 20 mins. After 20 mins, she calls the front desk and asks if we could check the room, make sure it’s clear and then meet her down there to give her new keys. On the phone she sounded very quiet and I could barely hear her. Anyways, I went to check her room for her and as soon as I opened the door, it was like an episode of Hoarders… Floor to ceiling was covered with crap, the floor was completely covered with clothes, and you couldn’t even open the door. To open the guest room door you literally had to push things over/out of the way. On a side note, she never came down to her room to grab the keys from me so I left.

Long story short, after all this happened, Jane Doe comes to the lobby, stops, shoots me a very evil and crazy look and does so for a solid 30 seconds before walking out. It was at this point like eight cop cars pulled up front so I guess she called them again? After this, I am unsure of the outcome since one the cops most likely took care of it and I did see her the rest of the evening.

So yes, this 100% takes the cake as the most insane hotel story ever for me. I don’t think there’s any topping that… Although anything is possible. Speaking of anything, that reminds me of my next story.

No-no, don’t touch me there, This is my no-no square!

Well… I honestly don’t even know how to tap dance around this one so let’s just get to it. During the peak summer season at nightime, a teenage couple thought it would be fun to do after prom things in the fitness center after coming out of the pool. Little did they know, there was a security camera in the fitness center area watching over them as they did so. I think you know where I’m going with this… Need I explain more? Anyways, as they started to do adult things the evening housemen walked past and caught them as they awkwardly tried to play it off as they didn’t do anything. After that happened, they left the fitness center, kissed as if it was a romance movie then went into their room. This was one of those WTF moments (can I even say that on this platform? I totally think I can…) for me and sticking out is one of the most interesting stories of the summer. Speaking of summer, what’s the summer without a nice refreshing swim in the pool or in this case a parkour course.

Wipeout! Pool Mayhem Edition.

Remember the television show Wipeout? For those who don’t know, it was a game show where contestants raced each other to complete crazy, ridiculous obstacle courses and at the end you can win prize money. Anyway, this story reminds me a little of the show. 

One summer a group of two adults came up to the desk and told me there was an unsupervised kid who was throwing pool chairs into the pool, taking said chairs out and then jumping off them into the pool. The kid was pushing tables towards the edge of the pool deck, jumping off those tables and was also taking tables and chairs, putting them in one stack and diving into the pool from them. The adults said that the kid almost at one point slipped backwards and cracked his head open on the pool deck. Luckily, this didn’t happen since that would have been a headache to deal with.

You Say Potato, I Say Pot-ato.

Ahh yes… Good ol’ Ramada, always good for a good laugh and fun time. While I was at our Ramada property converting the desk for a couple hours while they had their staff holiday party, the front desk agent told me there was a gentleman staying there who was very intoxicated and would keep stopping down by the desk and just talk non-stop. And sure enough what happened? That exact thing just as the front desk agent was coming back to the desk. So the crazy drunk guy came to the desk for 10-15 mins and would not stop talking about mashed potatoes. He kept asking me if I had any mashed potatoes I could give him or if I could smell mashed potatoes since he apparently smelled them. I swear you can’t make this nonsense up…   

Flooding The Hotel & Power Games

Nothing is worse than coming into the hotel and having problems with power, water or any other utility. So during the summer time I remember coming in and the hotel had half power. Literally half of the hotel had power and the other half did. Oddly enough it wasn’t evenly spread out. For example, parts of a floor would be dark, while others had light while the rest of the floor would keep flickering. If this wasn’t interesting enough shortly after having half power, the power went out fully for a couple hours. Ahh yes doing everything old school… So not fun! Luckily, the power did come back on before it got dark and before the crazy evening rushes started.

Bonus Story – Pizza Time!

Speaking of crazy evenings, this next mini story is yet another interesting interaction with a drunk person. A gentleman was attending a wedding and had too much to drink during the wedding so he decided to get a room for a couple hours to rest then go back to the wedding later on. After getting his keys he went to the room to put his stuff down and then came back to the desk. He asked if there were any pizza places around that delivered to the hotel. I gave him a menu, he looked at it and then said to me “Yo man… I’m way too wasted to order right now. If I tell you what I want, give you the cash for it, can you order for me, please?” He then proceeded to pull out his wallet and gave me $45.00 for his order. His pizza came to like $18 with the soda he wanted. I gave the pizza guy $25 total with the tip and the rest of the money was mine. I asked the guy what he wanted me to do with his change and he told me to keep it. So yea, I got a $20 tip just for calling to order a pizza.

Hyrax’s Stories

Charlie The Rock??

So let me first explain how this story actually started. During the time that I was working at the motel, I worked the second shift as per usual. My motel is located right on the edge of downtown, with the main river running thru the city just a few blocks away. Though the river is rather popular for tubing during the summer time, people also love to go fishing in the river and catch some amazing sized trout. (For example, the winning trout was a whopping 8 POUND 7 OUNCES!). Our pool that was located right by our main building had just opened for the season and guests like to relax in the water while beating the heat. 

Once I had arrived for work, my manager and I got to talking about how the situation with COVID was progressing as well as any news for the day. As we walked the property to make sure things were all good, I noticed in the bottom of my eye something in the pool. My manager and I both entered the pool and I looked fully to find a huge rock in the shallow end of our pool. I am not talking about a pebble, this rock was probably the size of a watermelon or smaller. Unsure about why there was a rock in the pool, I went over and grabbed the cleaning net. Once I pulled the rock out of the water, my manager said for me to take the rock into our garden. As we were about to past the gate, a woman bathing on a sunchair beside the gate shouted “Not Charlie!” 

You can imagine the looks on our faces. Just pure utter confusion. The woman explained that her daughters and herself had gone to the river earlier in the day. While river walking, they came across the rock and decided to take the rock for themselves. They brought the rock back to our hotel, washed it in the shower, then gave the name of Charlie. Then since it was so hot, “Charlie” decided to go swim and they put the rock into our pool. These would be probably the most hilarious memories I have of this year. If you were to adopt a rock, what would you name it?

Not Impersonators, It’s Entertainers.

Halloween is my favorite personal holiday. It’s the one day where you can look silly as you wish and no one questions it. The week of Halloween, we had a group of Elvis enthusiasts book our entire property. My manager warned us that calling the group Impersonators would upset the main leader. The group arrived without any issues,  checked in and settled for a weekend of themed shows. 

The first day was Halloween,  in which I dressed up as Symbiote Spiderman.  The second day was themed to Elvis Woodstock,  or mainly the 50s Era. The lobby was full of Elvis singers walking, laughing and talking. The Third day was Parrothead paradise, or Margitaville themed. The funniest scene was watching this woman wearing a parrot costume with wings walk into our elevator. The last day was themed to Cousin Jethro’s Backyard, or hillbilly/redneck themed. All in all, I think it was a successful group event and honestly look forward to the next time they come around.

What day would have been your favorite? Honestly, I enjoyed Halloween as it was the only day I was able to dress up.

Cops Mania

Before I start with this story, let me explain a few things. The title is not stating I had to actually call the cops, though I had to do so sometimes at my old job. My lodge is rather popular to be booked by several groups and events including weddings, meetings, and reunions. We had two events back to back weekends where we hosted two groups of cops at our lodge. 

One group of cops were actually cops from all around Georgia schools to be trained while the other group was retired cops who enjoy going on bike rides named the Blue Knights. Imagine my surprise after asking that there are also multiple groups similar to the Blue Knights but for other types of First Responders and even military branches. 

It was honestly the safest I think anyone would feel with several cops at the lodge. Even the bears were deciding to hide away due to the noise of the motorcycles.. Speaking of  which, that is my next story!

A Big Furry Friend Visits

During one of my evening shifts at my motel job, I had just finished folding the laundry after a rather slow night. I walked back into the office to get a cup of coffee and imagine my surprise when the horse carriage driver came barging into the office. He was rather spooked and slammed the door shut  behind. I walked over to ask what the situation was and he told me of a friend digging around outside in a bin. So at a quick speed, I locked the door and grabbed the mobile phone off the hook in case of an emergency. After a while the bear left and I was able to unlock the door so the carriage driver can go home. 

I am also going to add a Part 2 to this story, though it is probably a different bear. After I had just gotten off work and was heading home, I pulled up to the main street to turn right and head back south home. As I stopped and looked both ways, I noticed something moving ahead of my lights by the bakery. I took a double take to see a big black bear roaming across the street ahead of me. Quite spooked as I knew that some guests were still sitting outside having a drink, I called our Night Auditor and warned her.

Kids – 0, Dad- 1

I was told by my parents that I wasn’t a bad child to raise. Yes, I did get in alot of trouble at times. I was a curious boy who wondered if a RVC would play a sandwich, yes I actually did that. My lodge has 3 floors at our Conference Center , where you check in for the lodge. On the 2nd floor of the Center is our Fireside Room where we have our Table tennis, while the 3rd floor holds a pool table in front of our Tavern. You can imagine how popular the two upper floors to people to relax  

Sometime during our Thanksgiving week, we had a full house at the lodge. Our Tavern was dealing with several guests and groups that night. While the kids decided to wait for a table, they put hand sanitizer all over the door of the 3rd floor. The kids also broke some of our pool cues, but were called out by our staff at the Tavern. Now, most of the time, parents can be like “my child is perfect. You are lying.” I am not saying all parents are like that. This father decided to take matters into his own hands and investigated the situation. He asked the kids first if they put hand sanitizer all over our Elevator door, which they denied. The father, skeptical, asked the kids to hold out their hands. You can imagine what was revealed… The kids had lied to the father. 

 Because kids were bored, our staff had to start logging the pool cues and supplies to guests from the front desk. Another issue would come from kids who decided to stand on top of table tennis, which caused them to break in half. Now things have changed to where we just keep the pool cues and supplies on the 3rd floor to make things easier. Lesson here: Don’t lie to your parents.

We hope enjoyed our post about even more of our craziest stories as Front Desk Agents. We always enjoy creating this posts recapping these kinds of things. Do you have a crazy work story? Share it down below!

Still can’t get enough of crazy hotel stories? Be sure to check out our other post highlighting even more stories. Check it out here: https://touristician.com/2021/11/09/top-10-craziest-stories/